501- C3 Charitable Organization
We have assisted in forming the Medcross.org 501- C3 Charitable Organization to run the nation’s first medically assisted, curriculum driven, transitional living program for homeless people. Our incentive-based program will focus on the subsection of the homeless population that suffers FROM chronic mental illness and substance abuse issues. Information gained from our 35 years of experience in the Tulsa area supports the premise that this subsection makes up 87% of Tulsa’s transient population. Our research also suggests that this is the population that includes those incarcerated numerous times, in and out of psychiatric facilities, banned from homeless shelters, drop ins, and other programs that serve those experiencing homelessness. This population does not possess the mental stability or skillset to be successful in a traditional living situation without extensive curriculum based transitional living skills training. During my time at Youth Services of Tulsa (YST) in the 90s we initiated a successful curriculum-based model that continues to prove successful and has for the last 30 years.